5 Principles to Enable Effective Remote Working

The COVID-19 Pandemic has required many employees to work remotely. While this has proved challenging at times, the flexibility provided by working from home is an appealing prospect, and many employees may elect to continue working from home arrangements after the pandemic. This means that companies need to ensure Working from Home practices promote productivity and engagement. Researchers at MIT university conducted a study into the most meaningful actions organisations can take to support remote work by surveying 441 global HR leaders. Based upon the results, they proposed the following five principles to help leaders effectively manage a remote work force.

1.      Maintaining Communication

Working from home can cause employees to feel disconnected. Communication is critical in ensuring that employees feel supported by their company and requires five key characteristics in order to be effective: communication should be frequent, transparent, open, easy to navigate and consistent.


Organising daily or weekly updates that are accessible to all employees promotes connection in employee. According to the study, video or webinar updates, instead of emails, were the preferred method of communication.


Being open and transparent about the rationale behind decisions made by those in managerial positions leads to a greater sense of trust and inclusion. This also allows for inclusive discussions regarding decisions, which in turn helps managers feel supported.


It is important to have an open communication system in place that allows employees to provide feedback or ask questions in real time. Weekly anonymous surveys, a dedicated assistance email and virtual fire side chats provide a setting for employees to initiate discussions and ask questions.

Easy to Navigate

Creating an easily accessible central information hub can be incredibly beneficial in effective communication. These hubs can include frequently asked questions that are updated regularly, information regarding company policy in response to COVID, virtual training resources and archived video messages from people in managerial position.


The biggest obstacle to effective communication is inconsistent messages across different parts of the company. All information should be consistent and cohesive from all teams of a business, from HR to finance, consultants etc. Communication should not conflict or be contradictory.

2.      Providing support for wellbeing

Remote working increases the likelihood of feelings of isolation, which can affect people’s mental and physical wellbeing. Regular one-on-one check-ins by managers with employees is the most effective way to battle isolation. Virtual social activities, such as online exercise classes, lunch-and-learns, and coffee breaks are also effective in boosting morale and assisting employees with overcoming feelings of isolation. Initiatives that promote self-management of stress and mental wellbeing can also be beneficial. These can include access to mental health resources, online discussion boards and links to further mental health supports.

3.      Assisting with Productivity and Engagement

Productivity can dip when working remotely on tasks that require collaboration between team members, and it is important to acknowledge that this is normal. However, productivity can also increase when tasks require little to no interaction with other team members to complete. It is important to acknowledge and reward work well done, as lack of face to face interaction can often cause managers to forget to provide positive feedback to employees who are working remotely. Short, frequent meetings, such as daily huddles, can boost productivity and help keep workers engaged and focused.

4.      Managing Work/Life Balance

While the initial transition may have proved challenging, there are benefits to remote working. Employees no longer have to commute and are able to spend more time with their family. However, it also has its drawbacks; working from home can blur the boundary between work and home life, and the study showed that employees tended to work an extra hour per day when working from home due to feeling as though they needed to be available constantly. This becomes even more difficult if employees are supporting children. Allowing for reasonable adjustments to schedules is an effective way of mitigating these issues. Instead of focusing on completing tasks within a standard 8-5 time frame, allowing workers to work throughout the day and evening can provide them with the flexibility needed to accommodate familial or personal obligations.

While it is understandable that an unprecedented pandemic would shift a company’s goals and priorities for a period of time, it’s important to get back on track to pre-pandemic objectives. Remember, the shift to remote working can provide new benefits and opportunities for progress. 10% of employees studied said new learning opportunities to build their skills during remote working was one of the most effective strategies to create engagement and enjoyment in their work.

For further resources to enable your team to maintain performance while working remotely, contact the team at Carfi at info@carfi.net.au

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