Early Intervention Services


What is Early Intervention?

Promoting early and ongoing recovery from injury while maintaining engagement with the workplace

Carfi has over 20 years of Early Intervention experience in Occupational Rehabilitation programs with both public and private sectors.

Carfi utilises a holistic approach to Early Intervention. We highlight benefits for the individual i.e. promoting early and ongoing recovery from injury and maintaining engagement with the workplace, and benefits for the organisation i.e. promoting proactive injury management and retaining employees productively at work.

Our Early Intervention service delivery model has the following principles:

The team leader plays a central role in referral and management
Short term occupational rehabilitation interventions focused on sustaining employees at work
Collaborative processes are used to maintain employee engagement with the workplace
Work-related and non-work related conditions are included
A biopsychosocial approach that considers the employee’s physical, psychological, social and environmental factors
Communication and consultation with all parties
Injury treatment remains in the hands of service providers chosen by the employee

The Carfi Early Intervention Program has proved to be very effective in avoiding difficult and expensive workers compensation claims. These programs have also had a positive effect on staff health and wellbeing and often avoided protracted conflict in the workplace.
